
How To Draw A Triceratops Step By Step Easy

how to draw a triceratops

This is another drawing tutorial about dinosaurs, in which we will show you how to draw a Triceratops – a herbivorous dinosaur that lived about 67 million years ago.

This dinosaur, like the Tyrannosaurus, has a very recognizable appearance. Triceratops has three long and sharp horns on its head: one on the nose and two above the eyes.

In addition, the Triceratops has a very distinctive bony frill at the back of the head, which protected the neck from predators and served as an attachment for the muscles of the jaw.

Step 1

So, let's start drawing Triceratops according to tradition using most simple geometric shapes. Depict three ovals for the head, chest, and pelvis.

how to draw a triceratops easy

Step 2

Now use one long and smooth line to depict the neck, which goes into the spine and tail. Next, depict the front and back legs with simple lines.

how to draw a triceratops step by step

Step 3

Now depict a mouth that is somewhat similar to a beak of a bird. The upper jaw should be more massive than the lower one.

how to draw a triceratops head step by step

Step 4

Draw the lower edge of the neck with one smooth line. Further, go to the top of the head and draw the frill we wrote about at the very beginning.

how to draw an triceratops

Step 5

Draw two long and sharp horns at the top of the head and one shorter one on the nose. Try to repeat the bending of the horns as in the example from the artists of

how to draw an easy triceratops

Step 6

Draw a small round eye and a wrinkle underneath below the horn. Next, draw the nostril under the nasal horn. Use a couple of short lines to mark the lower jaw.

how to draw a triceratops step by step easy

Step 7

Now draw the front legs with four simple lines. Try to repeat their outline as closely as possible. Drawing one leg in front of the other will give the Triceratops drawing a more dynamic look.

How to draw a triceratops

Step 8

Very simple stage of the instruction on how to draw a Triceratops. At the bottom of the front legs, depict toes with short, rounded nails.

step by step how to draw a cute triceratops

Step 9

Now draw the bottom edge of the torso by connecting the ribcage and pelvis from below. In the same stage, draw the bottom edge of the tail.

how to draw a triceratops cartoon

Step 10

Now let's do the actions similar to those that were done in the seventh stage. Draw the hind legs with four simple lines, which should be more massive than the front legs.

how to draw a triceratops dinosaur step by step

Step 11

Now draw the toes with toenails on the hind legs. Note that from this vantage point, we can only see three toes on each foot.

how to draw a triceratops step by step for beginners

Step 12

Carefully remove all the construction lines that were created in the first two stages. To give the Triceratops drawing a cleaner and more complete look, darken the artwork by outlining it with a darker pencil.

steps of how to draw a triceratops

Step 13

We painted the skin of the Triceratops green, the eyes black, and the toenails dark green. Adding shadows will give the Triceratops drawing an even more realistic and lively look.

how to draw a triceratops

But that's not all you can do with your Triceratops drawing. For example, you can draw a background with flora and fauna from the Cretaceous period.

The instruction on how to draw a Triceratops is not the only one about dinosaurs and other animals on our website. By going to the Animals category, you can learn how to draw a huge number of different animals from different eras.

How To Draw A Triceratops Step By Step Easy


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