Basic Overview of Pentaho Data Integration - A Beginner's Guide

For folks who are in the initial stages of learning ETL tools and workflow, PDI is one of the most popular if not the best open-source ETL tool and it is extremely user-friendly with nice and clean user-interface. It does not require any specific prior programming language knowledge to work with.

The ETL jobs can be developed completely by simply dragging & dropping necessary steps into designing work-space or canvas and connecting them into a network using links called 'Hops'.  The developed jobs can be scheduled to run automatically at set time intervals through the built-in scheduling features in the data integrator server and job status can be monitored from any internet browser by the authorized users and can send the job completion/failure status via email notifications with execution report as attachment. Job scheduling can also be performed using scheduling tools like Cron, Task-scheduler, etc.

Once you started using it, you are going to love it for the simplicity and very powerful features it packs. It can also be used for data-cleaning/conditioning requirements using various text/numerical operations available.

In this post, lets dive into  features and look and feel of this tool.

Jobs Vs. Transformations: What does each represent?

The term 'Job' under the PDI context, represents a combination of one or more jobs and transformations. Usually, the ETL code developed using PDI would have a single parent/master job which calls subsequent child jobs and transformations.

The term 'Transformation' is the primary layer which contains the actual transformations like sorting, any text operations, aggregation, filtering, formatting, removing duplicates, etc. to be performed on the data pipeline based on the business requirements.

The Job is the high-level layer which has the workflow rules like order in which the dependent jobs/transformations will be executed. Child jobs can be made to execute in parallel/serial manner if required. There is a provision to divert/redirect the workflow based on certain condition at Job level. Jobs are typically designed with START step at the beginning and with Success step at the end. We can even place an Abort Job step to end the flow if needed.

The below picture gives an idea about the elements in a simple Job.

Pentaho Data Integration Tutorial
Fig 1. Screenshot of a simple PDI Job

In short, we usually design any PDI/Kettle Job in a way that it calls the other Jobs and/or Transformations.

Job takes care of :

  • Workflow and execution of other jobs (this includes PDI job/Transformation, Sql query/Javascript/Shell script execution, Oozie job execution,etc.).
  • Folder and file management like creation/copying/deleting/moving files/folders, file transfer via FTP/SFTP.
  • Evaluating conditions like checking if a file exists in the specified folder path, doing a simple evaluation eg. checking the value of a parameter or a column.
  • Checking if a table exists in a database.
  • Checking no. of rows in a Database table.
  • Truncating the records in a Database table.

On the other hand, a Transformation manages/processes data:

  • Extracting/Integration the data from various sources like Databases and Files.
  • Performing Lookup operation with reference data set.
  • String manipulation by removing a portion of a string value/concatenating an existing string with another string/replacing a specific characters of a string with alternate characters.
  • Number values manipulation by modifying the decimal places.
  • Converting Number format value to text format and string to number (only valid numbers in text format).
  • Removing the duplicate rows in a data set.
  • Merging the rows from two different data sources.
  • Replacing Null values with default values and vice versa.
  • Mapping the value of a column to another column.
  • Sorting the rows.
  • Creating a hash-sum value of a combination of values.
  • Renaming/removing a column name.
  • Loading the processed data to various targets like Database table/File output.

PDI Components

Pentaho Data Integration (also called Kettle or PDI) follows a cooking-related theme in naming convention for its components and they are listed below:

  • Spoon:  Jobs are created using Spoon. It is where the jobs and transformations are created. It has graphical user interface using which code can be developed by simple drag & drop gesture as mentioned earlier in this post.
  • Pan: It is a command-line interface where we can run the transformations.
  • Kitchen: It is a command-line interface where we can run the jobs.
  • Carte: Helps to run the jobs/transformations in remote server mode.

Spoon Tool

The Spoon is the PDI Client and it is where the Jobs and Transformations are created. Lets have look at the Spoon user interface:

Basics of Pentaho
Fig. 2. Screenshot of Spoon User-Interface and welcome screen

The above screen is shown when we open the Spoon tool. The left side pane has two tabs circled in blue in the above image: View (displays the list of objects present in current context) and Design (displays the list of steps that can be used to develop a PDI job or transformation).

Transformation Design

Transformation has steps (which are square icons with customize-able names available in the design tab in the left side pane which can be dropped into designer canvas) connected by lines with arrows called Hops. The steps can be edited by double-clicking or by right-clicking and selecting the Edit option.

Any two steps can be connected by a hop by clicking the first step and pressing the shift key in the keyboard and dragging the mouse pointer to second step. Alternatively we can join two steps simply by clicking the first step and four options will be displayed below the step in which we need to select the last option in the left and drag it to the second step.

We can disable the Hop without deleting it so that the succeeding step will not be executed. This feature comes handy when doing debugging and what-if analysis.

 The central white area is the designer canvas where we actually place the transformation/job steps. An example is shown below:

Basics of Pentaho
Fig. 3. Screenshot displaying a simple transformation

Job Design

Designing a PDI job is similar to designing a PDI transformation. A simple job design is shown below:

Pentaho 7.1 Tutorial
Fig. 4.Screenshot showing a simple job

Similar to a transformation, a PDI job also has hops connecting the steps but with additional workflow controlling options (which are not available in the transformation) that can be accessed by right-clicking the hop and selecting Evaluation containing the below settings:

1. Unconditional : It is shown as a lock symbol and it means the step at the end (right side) of the hop is independent of the step at the beginning (left side) of the hop which means the steps would start executing without waiting for other steps to complete as soon as the job is started.

2. Follow when result is True : This is indicated by a green circle with check symbol. This setting means the succeeding step should be executed only when the preceding step returns a True status (in case of simple evaluation step) or only when the preceding step is completed.

3. Follow when result is False: This settings is opposite in function to previous setting and this allows the succeeding step to execute only when the preceding step returns a False status in simple evaluation. This mode is displayed as red circle with 'X' inside.


We can add descriptive comments on transformation and jobs using a feature called Notes by right-clicking anywhere in the design canvas and selecting new note.

Pentaho Data Integration Tutorial ppt
Fig. 5. Note placed in PDI job

General Features

PDI is a java based tool and it has cool features like support for connecting with wide range of sources :

· Databases - Traditional RDBMS like Oracle, Sql Server, MySQL, etc.

· Big Data Databases like Hive

· JSON files

· HL7 files

· MS Excel files

· MS Access files

· csv files

· txt files

· xml files



· SalesForce data

· Yaml

· RSS feeds

· Google Analytics

· Email messages

It also has the ability to output the data to various kinds of target DB/files,  Metadata Injection support, Row normalizer/denormalizer and we can create our own custom transformation step using Javascript.

It has very good documentation of its various Transformation as well as Job level steps available online that we can refer. Apart from this, there is also active community forums on the web where we can find answers to questions related to design practices, performance tuning, etc by the expert developer members.

Saving the Transformation/Job

The Jobs and Transformations created can be stored in three ways:

1. Saving the jobs/transformation in the local file system:

The files will be stored in the local machine's file system. This can be used for learning and training purposes. This is not ideal for Production environments.

2. Saving in Pentaho Repository:

This method is recommended by Pentaho for Production environments. It is available only for Enterprise Edition.

  • It has high-level security.
  • Locking of the files for writing while permitting specific users to make changes.
  • Maintains version history of the jobs/transformations and in case of any mishap in the recently deployed (moving the developed the jobs/transformations to Production environment from Development after testing) files, we can revert back to previous version of the same jobs/transformations. In general, the Pentaho Repository is managed by Pentaho Administrator.

3. Using a database as a repository:

In this approach, we will use a database to store the ETL metadata info and again this is also not supported or recommended by Pentaho for Production usage.

Product License

PDI aka Kettle comes with two licensing options:

  • Community Edition (CE)
  • Enterprise Edition (EE)

The Community Edition has all the features that are present in Enterprise Edition but the Enterprise Edition comes with additional plugins and product support.

Summary of the Post

To Summarize the various topics that we have seen in this post,

1. General Overview of PDI as an ETL tool.

2. Detailed differences between a PDI Job and Transformation.

3. User Interface and layout of the Spoon window.

4. General idea on how a  Pentaho Job and Transformation would look like using simple examples.

5. List of the sources where the data can be extracted and other features.

Even if you had already worked with some other ETL tools, you would definitely think why other tools are not this simple. Even I felt the same.We can easily prototype our design ideas quickly. In the upcoming posts, we will be working with Community Edition of Kettle which is open-source and free to download.

Please feel free to comment your thoughts about this post, that way I can update the comments. Also let me know in the comments section if you want me to explain any topics on PDI.