
Five issues Microsoft must fix in Office Web Apps - wellsdresse

I'm all in with Microsoft. I've got Windows 8 running on my primary work machine, I subscribe to Office 365 Home Premium , and I use almost all online consumer service that the company offers.

So when information technology comes time to create a document using Web apps, in that respect is course only one choice: Google Docs.

Despite Microsoft's wide set out of corking software, Office Web Apps simply aren't favorable enough to trust with grievous documents. That May change in the next year.

(Office World Wide Web Apps is made up of Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote, as divide of Microsoft's SkyDrive cloud computer storage service for consumers. Information technology's also included with Government agency 365, the broader email and collaboration suite that has free and tip-settled editions.)

Microsoft new aforementioned IT plans to roll new features to Office Entanglement Apps that would admit you to "create polished Office documents from start to finish, all from the Web."

Novel features planned for Situatio include real-time document co-authoring, faster launch times for apps, improved file management, and Chromium-plate for Android support.

It's important to see Microsoft making Office for the World Wide Web into a more full-faced version, particularly while we waitress for rumored Office apps for Mechanical man and iOS. Before Microsoft straps on a bunch of new features to its online Office entourage, however, the company of necessity to make some improvements to the current version first.

Here are a few suggestions, with an admitted bias towards Articulate.

Motorcar-save for Word Documents

Thanks for the flashback to Federal agency 2003, Microsoft, but the Word WWW app would be better with an car-save feature instead of a document retrieval lineament that deeds only half the time.

Deliverance in the Word web app is unsafe.

Google Docs has auto-save and is one of the best reasons to trust happening the research big's service complete Office Web apps. The Excel Place Entanglement app already has auto-save. Even OneNote 2022 along the desktop has information technology, why ISN't this in the Word Web app?

Fix the connection problems

Has this ever happened to you? You're typewriting upfield a document in Word when suddenly you get a notification that the spell checker is down.


Even worse, sometimes Word documents won't save because there's a problem conjunctive to Microsoft's servers.

Google Docs in my experience rarely has connectivity issues, but when it does information technology's not a big handle. You know why? That's right, automobile-preserve.

Assume't make up so mingy with new lines

When you get towards the end of a papers in the Logos Web app, Microsoft gets rattling stingy about creating new lines. That means afterwards typing around 300 words, you're cragfast in the nethermost domain of your PC's expose as Word doles out few new lines at once.

After a some minutes of more or less staring down at your taskbar, you finish straining your neck. Yes, you can hit return a bunch of multiplication to create other lines and then scroll hinder, but that's a hack, not a answer.

Google Docs does not have this upsho. After you get close to the posterior of your display, Google Docs adds a red-hot Page and mechanically scrolls you up a morsel, simply not so much that you lose your place. If you want to get closer to the center of the doc, all you have to do is scroll the browser page a little more.

Laurel wreath fall in: go big Beaver State go abode

The Bureau Web apps let you maximize your workspace by collapsing the Office Thread into a easy menu, scarcely like connected the background.

Unless you're a longtime Office user, you'll miss come out on this benefit since the give button is a diminutive little arrow in the far helpful corner of the screen. This should be bigger and more prominent so information technology's easier to rule.

Far-right-mouse click for SkyDrive

Avowedly, this is a small holle, but it's the little details that arrive at the difference betwixt a good application and a great one.

Soh what's the problem? On that point's no easy mode to open a new SkyDrive tablet when you're inside a Web app. Sometimes you might have data in a unlike document you need to check into in another tab. Right now, if you want to go rear to SkyDrive you make to open a new yellow journalism and navigate to the situation.

But why? At that place's a little clickable SkyDrive link in the teetotum-left corner of every document straight next to the file name. For some strange reason, notwithstandin, the rightmost-click function to open the link in a new tab is disabled. That's just silly.

For the most part Office on the Web works fairly well. I even created this article using the online retinue without losing any of my work, a not-then-frequent occurrence.

Microsoft's three-class immemorial Office Web Apps could be great, especially with handy features like the ability to assimilative your document happening the background with just unity click. For now, however, I'm sticking with Google Docs.


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